On Wednesday, May 7th, HBC will be hosting a bus trip to Lancaster, PA to Sight & Sound to see the show Noah’s Ark.
This is an all-day event (the itinerary is below)! The cost is $160.00 per person which includes the bus trip, show and late lunch at the Hershey Farm Resort.
A 50% deposit with RSVP is due no later than Wednesday, February 12th. Payment in full is due no later than Tuesday, April 1st. Please fill out the form below or pick one up at the church office. Forms and payments can be placed in the offering plate OR returned to the church office! Checks should be made payable to Haymarket Baptist Church and put “Sight and Sound Trip” in the memo line.
6:00am—6:30am Bus picks up at HBC
10:00am Bus arrives at Sight & Sound
1:00pm—1:30pm Bus picks up at Sight & Sound
1:45pm Bus arrives at Hershey Farm Resort for Late Lunch
3:00pm—3:30 pm Bus picks up at Hershey Farm Resort
7:00pm—7:30pm Bus arrives back at HBC
Questions, please contact Wanda Leap at manager@towervillas.com or text (703) 727-0319