Because we strive to be a church based on the Bible, and particularly based on the New Testament, we allow Scripture to guide our thoughts about the use of money.
Beginning in the Old Testament, God clearly taught his followers to give generously to his cause. The prophets frequently called the Israelites to give 1/10 (a “tithe”) of their income to God through his Temple. In Malachi 3:10 God challenged his people to “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse.”

In the New Testament, Jesus calls his followers to give generous gifts to God. Because some people have great resources and others have very limited resources, Jesus emphasized that our giving should be proportional. Wealthy people like Zacchaeus gave large amounts ( Luke 19:1-10) while others like the poor widow gave small amounts (Luke 21:1-4). The generosity of the heart is what matters to God.
We do not expect our guests to give to our offering during worship. But we do ask each member to give, and to give generously. Just as our members are called to be faithful in other aspects of their lives, we also ask them to be faithful in giving to God through our worship offering.
A New Way to Provide Support to HBC: Transfer of Stock and Other Securities
Our stewardship committee would be pleased to work with you and your financial advisor to arrange gifts to HBC. Gifts of appreciated properties are often a means of support which is both convenient to you and important to the ministries of HBC. For more information please contact: