The Deacons have voted to resume HBC’s in-person worship starting at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 21.
This is joyous news!
Nevertheless, I also want to remind everyone that we must do our absolute best to worship God together safely.
First of all, if you believe that you are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus for any reason, please continue to worship with us online through the church website,
Second, if you have any symptoms of the coronavirus, please show your love for fellow Christians and worship with us online.
For those of you who will plan to attend our June 21 worship service, please understand that this service is being planned for maximum safety. We will still focus on worshipping our God and the Lord Jesus Christ, but however, we will do it in ways that help ensure your safety. Here are some things you will notice:
- Touchless hand sanitizing stations at four locations as you enter or exit
- People will be wearing masks unless they are speaking or singing (please bring your own mask but we will offer masks to those who forgot to bring one)
- Every other sanctuary pew will be closed off to create social distancing
- The large Fellowship Hall will be open with a large-screen TV carrying live worship
- You and any family members with you will sign the Worship Register but will not pass it to any other group (we’ve added many additional registers)
- Instead of a full choir, we will have a small number of singers
- We will not sing any congregational hymns
- There will be no nursery
- The children will stay with their parents while Pastor Mark tells the children’s story, and will remain with their parents throughout the worship service
- Offering plates will be found as you enter and leave the sanctuary or Fellowship Hall, so you can simply drop your offering in the plate
- The service will end about 11:45 a.m., and the ushers will dismiss everyone by rows, as you often see at weddings
These changes are not permanent. As the Covid-19 crisis eases up, our Deacon Reopening Committee will slowly bring back some the familiar elements of worship which have been removed or modified for your safety.
In Christ,
Pastor Mark