We are excited to tell you about a new version of Vacation Bible School. This year at Haymarket Baptist Church we are trying something new that we call JESUS in JULY.

We are planning four (4) fun-filled mornings each Wednesday during the month of July from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. We will be offering Bible lessons, Christian crafts, exciting games, and theme-based lunches to kids 4 years old– 5 th grade.

Allan Smith, Associate Pastor of Community Outreach, will be offering an informal time for parents who would like to stay and connect with other Christian parents.

Parents Name(s):________________________________________
Children name(s):________________________________________
Phone number: __________________E-mail:__________________
Dates Offered: July 6____, July 13____, July 20____, July 27_____

Please RSVP by June 15 using the google form link below, or drop this form in the collection plate. You may sign up for as many Wednesdays as you wish. Enrollment confirmation emails will be sent to you by June 16.

RSVP Jesus in July Google Form


Church Members who are willing to volunteer may sign up at:

Jesus in July Volunteer Form