The weather is cooling day by day.  The leaves are starting to show a little bit of color.  Fall is upon us.  Amidst the crisp breeze, the Holy Spirit continues to move in, through, and with the community of Haymarket.
Carried to Full Term is hosting its 6th annual fundraiser gala, entitled “Every Baby Deserves A Home“.  It will take place tonight at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, beginning at 6 PM.  More information can be found on the Carried to Full Term Website at this link –  I do not plan to attend the gala, personally, but it is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the many ways that Carried to Full Term is an example of the grace of God being present right in our community.
Boxes of Basics is very active now that school has started back.  Boxes of Basics hosted an open house event last Sunday morning, September 18, and Sarah Tyndall, Founder and Executive Director, shared a volunteer sign-up with me earlier this week.  Sign-ups are coordinated on Sign-Up Genius at this link –  You might enjoy helping to pack some boxes for children this fall!
The Sweet Julia Grace Foundation is hosting its annual golf tournament fundraiser on Friday, September 30 at Prince William Golf Club, and all foursomes are already sold out!  More information is available on the SJGF website at this link –
Haymarket Day 2022 is fast approaching.  It is scheduled for Saturday, October 15.  The Outreach Committee of HBC is coordinating efforts to participate in the day’s events.  There will be tables on the street with other vendors (right in front of HBC) as well as multiple activities in the front yard of HBC.  There are plenty of ways to volunteer.  Please feel free to contact me, or anyone on the Outreach Committee, to learn more.  A sign-up sheet is also posted in the overflow area outside of the Sanctuary, next to the nursery.  There is more information on the Town of Haymarket website at this link –
The Haymarket team for Girls on the Run has begun the fall practice season in the parking lot of Haymarket Baptist Church on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.  This team is a 3rd – 5th grade team.  More information about the Girls on the Run program can be found on the website at this link –  I enjoy running with them in the afternoons when I can.  It is good exercise!  If you know a 3rd-5th grade girl who is interested in learning more about the program, I am happy to connect you with the volunteer coaches.
Remember that Monday, October 10 is the HBC trip to SIght and Sound Theater in Pennsylvania!
Let us all continue to be instruments of God’s grace and peace as we share the love of Christ in the community.

Grace and Peace,

Allan Smith
Associate Pastor of Community Outreach
Haymarket Baptist Church